1/4-inch, 5-Megapixel SOC Image Sensor Optimized for High-Volume Mobile Markets
" J5 P5 ]+ w! d5 ?" k6 Z% UOV5640 ; N+ ^& ?5 O7 k3 i5 j2 n0 `( Z
5-megapixel product brief6 R) D/ v" U% n$ j0 {1 m% K
lead free5 w( B- u* g5 x0 s* |; v1 A
available in
/ u# `5 m1 k m) Z7 ia lead-free
% H, r8 P, c# [8 M/ @package" j$ h% Q4 t2 Y
The OV5640 delivers a complete 5-megapixel camera solution on a
- o2 y' O3 |& ~, {* r( z) T1 lsingle chip, aimed at offering cost efficiencies that serve the high
" q6 b! N* k$ c/ y# r: t/ hvolume autofocus (AF) camera phone market. The system-on-a
. o7 m' O4 }$ E* c/ T# g+ O: P; G% schip (SOC) sensor features OmniVision's 1.4 micron OmniBSI™
% e$ G# I, y$ N! c7 ~0 D$ F' Bbackside illumination architecture to deliver excellent pixel7 {* s4 f* e$ }6 ]9 K
performance and best-in-class low-light sensitivity, while enabling
* E. y, z" _% Y6 K% q2 cultra compact camera module designs of 8.5 mm x 8.5 mm with: T8 Y( Q* c% a3 P% ?& p" J
<6 mm z-height. The OV5640 provides the full functionality of a
4 Q- O6 }* [. `6 `3 m2 O) S! Ecomplete camera, including anti-shake technology, AF control, and# z' K# y0 i0 A1 r9 J- q& T
MIPI while being easier to tune then two-chip solutions, making it; w6 _3 T6 t& Z" O5 v
an ideal choice in terms of cost, time-to-market and ease of5 E8 r$ I3 `( k
platform integration.
% \! i( E9 I+ a9 F1 s9 DThe OV5640 enables 720p HD video at 60 frames per second (fps), E, q$ P& ^ z& A) O; {4 L7 N
and 1080p HD video at 30 fps with complete user control over
6 H; L4 \. [- v: y6 A3 ~% Hformatting and output data transfer. The 720p/60 HD video is
$ Q( [8 [3 c) j! d5 ~* z3 L7 `captured in full field of view (FOV) with 2 x 2 binning, which
+ }: H. g b8 _9 B" Pdoubles the sensitivity and improves the signal-to-noise ratio* x% Q1 a$ A( M |
(SNR). Additionally, a unique post-binning re-sampling filter
) n S( {: a R5 s; |2 L: o0 W( @function removes zigzag artifacts around slant edges and% U% I6 V) v; G! O1 ~
minimizes spatial artifacts to deliver even sharper, crisper
; [# J+ F/ r: _1 Kcolor images. To further improve camera performance and user
0 q1 Q) H3 o; P6 F" _experience, the OV5640 features an internal anti-shake engine for
" T) P' J/ M/ m! K9 q6 }image stabilization, and it supports Scalado™ tagging for faster2 q2 N# Y) _5 W9 F6 F$ E& W R: X% P, j
image preview and zoom.( p) N3 \( C* Z6 g
The OV5640 offers a digital video port (DVP) parallel interface
3 L6 A) k4 n3 I( K2 aand a high-speed dual lane MIPI interface, supporting multiple
6 B6 r/ [/ o0 \ D. Doutput formats. An integrated JPEG compression engine simplifies
1 }9 R3 M- }7 t" t/ W8 W5 mdata transfer for bandwidth-limited interfaces. The sensor's
* P: D7 p" Q2 _/ [. r4 {( Pautomatic image control functions include automatic exposure
2 F, Y! g3 r0 v( y Ucontrol (AEC), automatic white balance (AWB), automatic band& [6 S$ f/ j4 V( q& z9 O: z @
filter (ABF), 50/60 Hz automatic luminance detection, and4 N2 ~9 w; L* g
automatic black level calibration (ABLC). The OV5640 delivers& z, t$ \2 J* S( N5 S
programmable controls for frame rate, AEC/AGC 16-zone% i* e; D B" n8 |
size/position/weight control, mirror and flip, cropping, windowing,$ K$ M6 }' g0 _- o9 ~% H
and panning. It also offers color saturation, hue, gamma, sharpness
3 D& k) g0 K( D A(edge enhancement), lens correction, defective pixel canceling, and p, |/ t9 f# m! G7 h
noise canceling to improve image quality.3 X1 \# d- W0 U) l5 l
Find out more at www.ovt.com.¬
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